Friday, October 12, 2012

More Open Arms

The first person I want to mention here is Samantha. I've mentioned Samantha before. She was pregnant with a boy, Bentley. Bentley was due two days after McKenna. He was born a week before. Samantha and I went through this journey together. Without her for support along the way, I don't know how I could do this. She understands the pain, the heartbreak, and the fear of trying again. Secondly, is Michelle. I have to flash back 11 years. 11 years ago, one of my very best high schools friends, Michelle was carrying twins. They were born very early and one didn't make it. I was 16, and I didn't know how to be a friend through all that. We lost touch. When McKenna got so sick I kept thinking of Michelle and her babies and knowing I needed to apologize. I found her via Facebook and told her I was sorry and that I was so happy to find her. I didn't mention McKenna at first. This was about her, not me, not my baby. She found out and became one of my greatest allies in the days that followed and continues to be as she is further in her grief journey, but remembers the steps it took to get there. Thankfully, I have found and reconnected with one of my very best friends. Then there is Andrea. Once upon a time, Andrea's husband was a dear friend of mine. a few years ago I met Andrea at another friend's dad's house. Aside from that, there wasn't a friendship in place. that is until her sweet boy went to Heaven a couple months after McKenna. These tragic moments unite us. We were virtually strangers, to become sisters in loss. Then there were the people who helped me out in other ways. Tiffany brought us dinners and Tracy dressed my daughter for competition when I couldn't be there (and continue to help me and talk when I need to talk). Dani and I became very close. She listens when I talk, she tells me it's going to be ok, and she brought me a happy seed to cheer me up as well as a beautiful frame to McKenna's photograph. Then, there are my support group ladies. I have met some wonderful women through these groups, Samantha being one of them. These women have come from all over, all different stories, all connected by that common thread. Next Saturday, I get to meet another one, Heather, in person. I am so excited! I love these women!

1 comment:

  1. I dont know how but I skipped this one... Mary you have no idea how much you mean to me. Being friends through this is always rough especially when you just want to give up the other one is there to pick you up! Thank you so much for helping me through as well!
